Wishes are pouring in from all around the world for superstar Rajinikanth on his birthday today, only proving the magnitude of fandom the actor enjoys across the globe. From Bollywood to the South Indian film industry, everyone has wished Thalaiva on his special day. But one wish that has caught our attention is that by Soundarya Rajinikanth, daughter of the superstar. She wished him on his birthday and her post for 'APPA' is the best thing you would read on the internet today. "The one ... The only one !!!! Happy birthday my dearest appa. I Love you to the moon and back" [sic] wrote Soundarya in her post on Twitter today. While the wishes are indeed special, the picture that she posted along with the message proves how special the superstar is to his family. Check out her tweet here:
The one ... The only one !!!! Happy birthday my dearest appa. I Love you to the moon and back ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎈🎉🎂🥳 pic.twitter.com/29extBKLOX— soundarya rajnikanth (@soundaryaarajni) December 11, 2018
Soundarya has also made a movie with her father Rajinikanth titled Kochadaiyaan which was India's first motion capture animated film. The film also starred Deepika Padukone as the leading lady which marked her debut in Tamil, not in motion picture feature films though. Kochadaiyaan couldn't impress the audience and panned at the box office, but director Soundarya was much appreciated for bringing in a new technology to Indian cinema. Soundarya has also worked as a publicity designer for many films featuring Rajinikanth which includes Baba and Kabali among many others.
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