Bye-bye trims, hair dusting is the new way to get healthier hair

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The beauty industry is one tough nut to keep up with! While the much-hated trims were sworn to be the only way to keep stipends at bay, there is a new trend called "Hair Dusting" in town.

As we all know very well, the good old myths say, you can't really fix split or fried ends; you have to cut 'em off before they get worse. So, what's one to do when you need to lose the dead, fried, split weight, but aren't looking to go much shorter? Enter: Hair dusting.
What Is Hair Dusting?
Hair dusting is a method in which you don’t get rid of any hair length, but only the damaged hair tips. This can be done by snipping the very bottom of each hair strand. It is almost like removing fuzz from clothes.
But if this wonderful phenomenon is so life changing, then why haven't our hair stylist suggested it to us yet? Well, it is because it's really time-consuming. In fact, it's almost like a second haircut after your strands are shaped and trimmed. It's more of a grooming technique, as compared to an overall haircut.
Here is a video showing you what dusting is really like: 
Would you dare to try this trend? Comment below and let us know.

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