Actor Anupam Kher has finished shooting for Akshay Kumar-starrer 'Toilet: Ek Prem Katha'.
The 61-year-old actor took to Twitter to share the news and posted pictures from the set of the film. "It is a wrap. Great being part of #ToiletEkPremKatha," wrote Kher.
The actor added that it was fun working on the Shree Narayan Singh-directed film as the project promotes a social cause. Kher also said that it was his 20th movie with Akshay. "Entertainment mixed (with) a cause doubles the joy. My 20th film with @akshaykumar... #JoyRide," he tweeted.
It is a wrap. Great being part of #ToiletEkPremKatha. Entertainment mixed a cause doubles d joy. My 20th film with @akshaykumar. #JoyRide
The film, which is based on cleanliness drive, 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan', also stars Bhumi Pedneka
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