Bollywood star Salim Khan rang in his 82nd birthday in the presence of his near and dear ones. An intimate bash was organised at Galaxy Apartments which saw the entire ‘Khandan’ – Sohail, Arbaaz and ex-wife Malaika Arora, Arpita and Aayush with their son Ahil, Helen Khan, Iulia Vantur and other close friends from the industry in attendance. The birthday boy cut into his cake with wife Salma by his side, while his guests sang the birthday song.
Daughter Arpita took to her social media handle on Saturday to share a cute picture from the party that will surely bring a smile to your face. She shared the image with a heartfelt birthday greeting that read, “My daddy strongest! Happy birthday to our rockstar. Love you very much. We pray we are always blessed with your presence.”
The image sees the birthday boy turning a shade pink as he admired his cake before cutting into it.
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