shah rukh khan surely knows how to kick mid-week blues. The actor was recently spotted at the Gateway of India as he returned with Gauri Khan, Suhana and AbRam post their mid-week getaway. If you are a Shah Rukh Khan fan, you would surely know that he visited his bungalow in Alibaugh. While Aryan was missing from the family trip, Suhana was seen stepping out of the motorboat with her girl gang. These pictures of Suhana with her besties shanaya kapoor and Ananya Pandey will give you the mean girls vibe as the three divas step out in style. Suhana was seen rocking a striped tube jumper with white sneakers and with her tresses left loose she looks absolutely breathtaking. Ananya Pandey, on the other hand, looks beach ready. The white frill crop top with denim shorts is the perfect attire you would want to pack for the beach. While Suhana and Ananya slay it in their stylish attires, Shanaya looks simply elegant in bright yellow.
These new star kids on the block can surely give Jhanvi Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan a run for their money. Looking at these pictures one can surly say that they are Bollywood ready. Gauri Khan was seen following the lead of the divas and she sure looked like one herself. Looking at the boho skirt and the uber cool striped top one can see where Suhana gets her fashion sense from. Shah Rukh Khan being the gentleman that he is, lets the pretty ladies lead the way and follows them to the car. The actor was seen donning a Superman cap as he was seen carrying a sleeping AbRam. The way Shah Rukh is seen protecting AbRam he truly plays the Superdad!
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