Ayan Mukerji's Superhero Movie With Ranbir Kapoor And Alia Bhatt, Will Also Have Amitabh Bachchan As A Cast. The Film Will Star Ranbir As A Superhero, Alia Bhatt Will Play His Love Interest. Ranbir Said, "I Am Extremely Excited! Ayan Is Trying Something Beyond His Years."
This Ayan Mukerji's superhero film will be the first of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt with Amitabh Bachchan.
On Saturday, karan johar, ranbir kapoorand alia bhatttalked about their upcoming superhero film in ‘The Big Talk’ section of MAMI’s Movie Mela 2017 in Mumbai. While the film will star Ranbir as a superhero, Alia Bhatt will play his love interest. Karan also confirmed that amitabh bachchanwill be a part of the film, and will have a pivotal role in it. With superhero movies doing fantastic business all around the world, Ayan Mukerji is attempting to make a trilogy with Ranbir Kapoor. K Jo also refuted rumours that the film’s title is Dragon’.
Ranbir expressed his excitement about working with his best friend and director Ayan Mukherji once again. The actor also added that he has always ‘liked talking and being around Alia.’
The Barfi actor said, “I am extremely excited! Ayan is trying something beyond his years. I think Alia and me are soldiers in this dream of his. He is so hard working. He has a vision. The kind of imagination. The dream that he is trying to put up. It cannot be possible without your backing. The kind of cushioning. The pillow you are surrounding him with!”
Expressing his happiness on working with Alia, Ranbir said, “For me to work with Alia is very exciting. The first time I met Alia was when she was very young. When I say young, I mean ten-eleven (Alia quips: I was eleven). You could feel she had an aura, talent, success, good looks, it all comes with the territory. You have to have all of that! But she had an aura about herself. You wanted to see her. You wanted to talk to her. You just kind of wanted to be around her! So, I am excited. I think she will add to my understanding of acting and this process will be a lot of fun.”
Alia made her Bollywood debut in 2012, and Ranbir entered Bollywood in 2007. So, did she ever have a fan-girl moment? To this Alia stated that she has been a fan of Ranbir’s work throughout, and is excited to work with him.
Alia Bhatt said, “I have been a fan of Ranbir’s work since Saawariya. I am really really excited to be working with him. I just want to take away all his acting and put it inside my stomach, but not in a way that there’s nothing left for you. I will keep some for you. Basically, I am just very excited to learn from him and I completely agree with him that Ayan is working so so so hard. We are really hoping that this is something really special. And he is like my best friend. So, I really can’t wait to be directed by him. I hope he is not mean to me.”
“Will he be mean to me?”, Alia asked Ranbir. To which Ranbir answered, “He has become really become a taskmaster.”
Karan then reminded the two that it is going to be their first time working with Amitabh Bachchan.
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