Oscars 2017 goof-up: Karan Johar, Rishi Kapoor, Farhan Akhtar react

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As affairs were drawing to a close at the 89th Annual Academy Awards, the eventful show witnessed one of the biggest bloopers in Oscar history.

Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty, the lead pair from the 1967 film - 'Bonnie and Clyde' made their way to present the Best Picture award, and ended up announcing the wrong film as the winner. Dunaway declared that 'La La Land' has won the top honour, but as the team of the film stepped on stage to receive the award, it was hurriedly announced that it wasn't 'La La Land' but 'Moonlight' that was the best film of the year.

Warren and Jimmy joked for a bit, and the former even offered a clarification. The goof-up transpired reactions from all over, including B-town celebrities, here are some of them.

That was the most ridiculous and hysterical goof up in the history of the academy awards!!!!! 

OSCARS. Shit happens at Oscars too!

What?!! I just cant believe what happened at the Oscars !!!

Full respect to the producer of La La Land who announced Moonlight as the winner. Pure grace. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 

What! moonlight ha ha ha it happens at the Oscars too

It's fine Oscars.. mistakes happen..

 saving the best moment for last!At least this doesn't happen in our award shows.. we just give to whoever is still there in audience

Hahahahaha... You guys just made his 100 days. @Oscars2017_Livehttps://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/440342098949443585 

Did this really happen?!!  

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