Salman Khan took time off from his Jodhpur court appearance, and threw a surprise visit to Ajay Devgn on the sets of Baadshaho. Director Milan Luthria shared the happy picture.
Denying every report of their rift, long-time friends Ajay Devgn and Salman Khan are at it again. Salman recently dropped in to surprise Ajay and director Milan Luthria on the sets of the upcoming movie Baadshaho. Salman, who was in Jodhpur to record his statement for the black buck poaching case along with Said Ali Khan , Sonali Bendre and Tabu, took time off from the court proceedings and visited Ajay during the shoot.
Director Milan Luthria took to twitter to share the picture of the duo, saying, “Both the sultans on the sets of #BAADSHAHO @BeingSalmanKhan @ajaydevgn”
Both the sultans on the sets of #BAADSHAHO@BeingSalmanKhan @ajaydevgn
Reports of a fallout between Salman and Ajay started when Salman signed Akshay Kumar for a film and happened to borrow the same plot as Devgn’s Sons Of Sardaar. But Salman’s latest trip on Ajay’s film set is putting water on the speculated fire. Salman and Ajay’s friendship goes back to almost two decades and has stood strong through the test of time. They have even shared screen space together in London Dreams and Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam. The duo has also done cameos in each other’s movies like Ready and Son of Sardaar.
The story of Milan Luthria’s Baadshaho has not been revealed as yet but the star-cast is busy shooting its the second schedule in the blue city – Jodhpur
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