Nitesh Tiwari's sports drama film 'Dangal,' which stars Aamir Khan, Fatima Sana Sheikh, Sanya Malhotra and Sakshi Tanwar in lead roles, has received a stupendous response at the box-office. On Day 2, the film registered collections of Rs 34.82 crore, taking the two-day total to over Rs 64 crore. The jump in collections from the first day is almost 16 percent; 'Dangal' had earned Rs 29.78 crore on Friday.
The two-day earning of 'Dangal' is Rs 10 crore less than that of Salman Khan- starrer 'Sultan' but that is primarily because 'Sultan' was released on a holiday and 'Dangal' is yet to benefit from the Christmas holiday.
The two-day earning of 'Dangal' is Rs 10 crore less than that of Salman Khan- starrer 'Sultan' but that is primarily because 'Sultan' was released on a holiday and 'Dangal' is yet to benefit from the Christmas holiday.
1 day 29.78 crore
2 day 34.82 crore
Film review 4.8 stars
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