Pics: Amitabh Bachchan on the sets of ‘Sarkar 3’

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 Sarkar of acting preparing for a scene on the set of Sarkar 3

 The Bahubali of film making with the Bahubali of acting on the sets of Sarkar 3
 And SARKAR 3 marches on ... first schedule and set over tomorrow .. running ahead of schedule by miles ..

Amitabh Bachchan is currently shooting for his next flick 'Sarkar 3'. And going by the pictures shared by director Ram Gopal Varma to his social media handle, it seems like the film is going to be an intense one. The senior Bachchan is known for his dedication for work and the stills bring his serious side to the fore. Shooting of the film is also miles ahead of its schedule as revealed by Big B on social media. Well, the snaps are just whetting our appetite, Mr Bachchan, can't wait for what lies ahead!
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Amitabh Bachchan

Bollywood Celebs


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