Akshay Kumar's posts have always been educational, aspirational, inspirational and highly motivating as well. He also posts about his upcoming films and makes it all count. So today, on the 70th Republic Day of India, he shared a still from Kesari with words that going to make anyone proud. He writes, "Happy Republic Day.
It’s our #70thRepublicDay but our men have been fighting for the country since time unknown. 122 years ago, 21 Sikhs fought against 10000 invaders. #KESARI is their story, in cinemas on March 21." There are many unsung heroes of this land who had fought valiantly for the nation. Kesari narrates the story of one such troop of soldiers who were enough to take on 1000 invaders. This makes you feel so proud of the people this nation has produced then.
This isn't enough to make you understand the full extent of the Battle of Saragarhi, on which the film is based.
Kesari releases on March 21, that's Holi BTW!
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