shahid kapoor has taken some time out to celebrate his little princess misha kapoor's first birthday which is on august 26. the doting daddy shared a picture from the very holiday. he is seen with wife mira rajput but their baby misha kapoor is missing.
Shahid Kapoor, baby Misha Kapoor and Mira Rajput left for the vacation three days back and the actor shared his excitement with an airport click then.
shahid kapoor recently shared an Instagram story which has him hugging his ‘baby’, wife Mira Rajput. We know that the Kapoor family is off for their very first family vacation and it’s a super special one since Shahid’s little princess Misha will turn one on August 26. The doting father has taken some time out from his work schedule to celebrate the occasion. But then, in first photo from their vacation, the adorable baby seems to be missing, and that just makes us sad.
Shahid left for the vacation three days back and shared his excitement with an airport click with caption, “First family vacay. And we are off. ” But while fans are waiting to see how Misha is enjoying this vacation, Shahid just shared an Insta story with Mira and a possible friend.
While earlier reports suggested that Shahid would host a birthday party in Mumbai, he later revealed that he – along with wife Mira Rajput and baby Misha – would set off for a family trip to celebrate. And this is exactly what they’re doing but the two have kept the vacation destination a secret so far.
This seems to be the season for Bollywood family vacations as kareena kapoor Khan and saif ali khan too took time off for their family vacation with baby Taimur Ali Khan. We saw many clicks of Kareena, Saif and Taimur from their Swiss vacation recently, and rishi kapoor is also off on a European cruise with wife Nitu Singh. But, for now, we are just waiting to see more of Shahid, Mira and Misha.
See Shahid Kapoor, Mira Rajput’s first picture from the vacation here:
This is not Misha’s first international trip as she and her mother Mira had accompanied Shahid to New York City to attend the IIFA awards last month. Recently, at an awards night, when Shahid was asked about the plans for his daughter’s first birthday, he said, “We are not probably going to be in the country, so we are going to get some family time around that time.”
Shahid Kapoor might be busy with Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial Padmavati, but he sure knows how to fulfil his duties as a loving husband and doting father. The family was all smiles at the airport, and the excitement is pulsating in the first photo from the couple as well.
But we really do miss baby Misha, here’s to hoping that daddy Shahid posts some cute photos the toddler really soon!
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