from ranbir kapoor's look to sanjay's love life, the sanjay dutt biopic is expected to be a sneak-peek into one of the most controversial and loved actors of the generation. there is lots about this rajkumar hirani-directed film that we are excited about. here are a few of them!
The Sanjay Dutt biopic, with Ranbir Kapoor playing the actor, is one of the most awaited movies of the year.
The sanjay dutt biopic is one of the most awaited movies of the year, and we tell you why. From ranbir kapoor’s look to Sanjay’s love life, the biopic is expected to be a sneak-peek into one of the most controversial and loved actors of the generation, Sanjay Dutt.
1) It is an open window into Sanjay Dutt’s life
The Sanjay Dutt biopic is Baba’s tell all story, and on this Dutt himself, said, “I was not sceptical at all. Raju, Abhijat and I sat for many, many hours and I laid the cards right out in front of them. I have nothing to hide. I’ve never had nothing to hide either.”
Whereas filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani said, “Biopics can be very one sided. But this is a biopic with all perspectives and is a very open biopic.”
“It’s an amazing life. Sanju has been brave enough to spell it out honestly to us. He is not scared how he will be portrayed. He has opened up about his life and said ‘say what you want to, this is how my life is.’ I think he is a very brave man,” added Hirani.
2) Ranbir Kapoor feels like he is Sanjay Dutt
Ranbir Kapoor might have grown up in front of Sanjay Dutt, but he has confessed that there were certain nuances which he came to know only after starting work on the Sanjay Dutt biopic. Dutt is happy with the way the film is progressing. He said, “It will take Ranbir 50 years to do research on me. He has been a very special part of my life, not because of the biopic, but him growing up, his family’s relation with mine and everything.”
Whereas Ranbir said, “Have known Sanju sir since I was a child but when I started working on the biopic, I felt it is not a biopic but science fiction. I couldn’t understand how can anyone live a life like this. There is so much you can learn from his life. It’s not a dramatic, romantic film. It’s science fiction.”
3) A peek into Sanjay Dutt’s love life from the 90s
Sanjay Dutt has had a long history when it comes to relationships. He has been linked to almost every actress in the 90s. On this Sanjay Dutt said, “Hope my love life is not shown!” There were rumours that madhuri dixit, who was one of the actresses linked with Sanjay Dutt, had gone to the Sanjay Dutt biopic makers to request to not show her side of the story. So, it’s all about wait and watch until the film finally releases.
4) Rajkumar Hirani is one of the finest filmmakers in India
Vidhu Vinod Chopra, who has worked with very closely Rajkumar Hirani, says, “Rajkumar Hirani is one of the finest filmmakers we have. I am happy to work with him because he works really hard on his scripts, very passionately. Having said that, there is no formula to success. Anurag Basu and I worked in Barfi which was quite successful. So, it isn’t like if you work with this person you’ll get a hit, if you work with someone else don’t know what will happen. I am just happy that I am working with such amazing people.”
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