after months of keeping everyone waiting, filmmaker karan johar shared the first picture of his twins yash and roohi on the occasion of rakshabandhan. karan had the kids through surrogacy and has been talking about them everytime he got an opportunity.
Karan Johar shares the first picture of his twins on Rakshabandhan.
karan johar has been talking about his children every now and then. The 45-year-old filmmaker also promised to soon share the first glimpse of his twins keeping us eagerly waiting. Finally, on the occasion of Rakshabandhan, the actor revealed the youngest brother-sister duo of Bollywood with a post on Instagram. The twins, who are named after Karan’s parents Yash and Roohi are now six months old and we cannot stop looking at them because the two chubby babies are too adorable.
The director, who recently wrote a long letter for his kids, spoke about how the two have affected his life. In the letter, written exclusively for Vogue, the director mentioned how he is taking care of his health, working out and doing all that he can in order to extend his life so that he can be around when his kids need him and see them growing up.
Karan expressed that while people will expect them to become a filmmaker just like his father and his grand father, Yash Johar, he wants to offer them all sorts of independence to make their own choices but wishes to be in their thoughts and memories forever.
The director has often been extremely emotional about being the single parent. When he had announced the news of becoming a father, entire world including Bollywood celebrated the occasion.
See the first photo of Karan Johar twins Yash and Roohi:
On a chat show, Karan revealed how emotional moment it was for him to hold the babies for the first time in his arms. He said, “When I held them for the first time, I don’t think I can describe the feeling. I cannot explain what I felt. I just sat in the chair and held my daughter first, as she is a little more vulnerable medically. I didn’t even realise there were tears rolling down my face. That feeling cannot be replaced by any other emotion.”
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