anushka sharma took to her instagram account to share a picture from the sets of rajkumar hirani's next untitled biopic which is based on the life of actor sanjay dutt. the biopic will see ranbir kapoor as sanjay dutt, paresh rawal as sunil dutt and manisha koirala as nargis dutt.
Anushka Sharma shares a photo from the sets of Sanjay Dutt biopic.
The Sejal aka Anushka Sharma of Jab Harry Met Sejal has left her Harry aka Shah Rukh Khan alone for the promotions of the film and has flown to New York herself, both for work and for some fun.
While we have already got enough of her fun filled New York vacation, it is now time for some work. Anushka took to her Instagram account to share a picture from the sets of Rajkumar Hirani’s next untitled biopic which is based on the life of actor Sanjay Dutt.
The biopic will see ranbir kapoor as Sanjay Dutt, Paresh Rawal as Sunil Dutt and Manisha Koirala as Nargis Dutt. Though Anushka has remained tight-lipped about her role and has maintained that her’s is a cameo in the film based on a fictional character, there are speculations doing the rounds that she plays a journalist in the film. Sharing the picture, Anushka wrote, “Makeup drill !! Last 2 days of shoot left for Dutt Biopic in NewYork then back to Mumbai for #JabHarryMetSejal ”
Meanwhile, Anushka’s New York vacation has been grabbing all the attention ever since she has taken her first few steps in the city which never sleeps. This courtesy beau Virat Kohli who shared a gorgeous picture with his lady love on Instagram and captioned it, “Much needed break with my love.” Later the fan pages of the actress gave a sneak peek into what all she did – from grocery shopping with Virat to meeting her childhood friend.
The Phillauri actress’ social media accounts have become a mirror to her life. Another post of Anushka sees her on the cover of the Filmfare Magazine’s August edition and she looks drop dead gorgeous in it. The intense looks of the actress on the cover will make her fans fall for her all over again. We just hope, Anushka stays this active on social media always.
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