Salman Khan recently shot a song with Shah Rukh Khan for Aanand L Rai’s untitled film. Their fans went crazy to spot the two superstars in one frame. Before this, they had also collaborated for Kabir Khan’s Tubelight, where SRK played a magician. Both the pathans had a gala time on the sets, as they got to catch up after a long time. Salman’s body double Parver Kazi, who has worked with the actor in films like Sultan,Prem Ratan Dhan Payo and Tubelight, was also present for the song shoot. He grabbed this opportunity to get clicked with King Khan.
Yesterday, we came across a picture of him with KATRINA KAIF FROM THE SETS OF TIGER ZINDA HAI. Parvez is one lucky guy, I must say. First of all he has the looks of Salman Khan and then he is getting to work with such A-listers. If you look at his pictures from a distance, you may believe him to the real Bhai.
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