Anil Kapoor took to Twitter to share a fan's selfie while waiting in an ATM line.
Anil Kapoor too got a feel of demonetisation as he was seen standing in an ATM queue.
Demonetisation is a hot topic everywhere. We all have seen and suffered outside banks and ATM queues in the past month. Actor Anil Kapoor too got a feel of standing in an ATM queue, something we have all been practising ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the demonetisation of Rs 1,000 and 500 notes.
Anil Kapoor took to Twitter to share a fan’s selfie that he was a part of while waiting in an ATM line. The actor retweeted the post with a caption, “Taking selfies in an ATM line: check ✅ Thanks to #DeMonetisation, I get to meet you lovely people @apoorva_m1!”
Anil obliged fans and took selfies with them while he stood in an ATM queue. While this fan shared a photograph with Anil and expressed her happiness, she also wrote that the picture was in no way representative of the pain that this effect has brought in people’s life who have been standing in long queues in banks and outside ATMs to withdraw money.
She wrote in a post, “The celeb photo opp aside, that picture was in no way representative of the pain that #DeMonetisation is. We were in a goddamn 5 star hotel.”
Well we totally agree with his fan!
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